Biodegradable grease

SKF LGGB 2 is a biodegradable, low toxicity, synthetic ester oil based grease, using a lithium-calcium thickener. Its special formulation makes it most suitable for applications where environmental contamination is a concern.

Features & benefits

  • Good performance in applications with steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings, ball bearings and roller bearings
  • Good low temperature start-up performance
  • Good corrosion inhibiting properties
  • Suitable for medium to high loads

Typical applications

  • Agricultural and forestry equipment
  • Construction and earthmoving equipment
  • Mining and conveying equipment
  • Water treatment and irrigation
  • Locks, dams, bridges
  • Linkages, rod ends
Available pack sizes
420 ml cartridgeLGGB 2/0.4
5 kg canLGGB 2/5
18 kg pailLGGB 2/18
Gas driven lubricator 
LAGD series 125 mlLAGD 125/GB2
Technical data
Designation LGGB 2/(pack size)
DIN 51825 code ISO 12924
NLGI consistency class 2
Thickener Lithium/calcium
Colour Light brown
Base oil type Ester
Operating temperature range –40 to +90 °C (–40 to +195 °F)
Dropping point DIN ISO 2176 165 °C (330 °F)
Base oil viscosity40 °C, mm²/s110
100 °C, mm²/s18
Penetration DIN ISO 213760 strokes, 10–1 mm265–295
100 000 strokes, 10–1 mm+50 max.
Mechanical stabilityRoll stability, 50 hrs at 80 °C, 10–1 mm+70 max.
Corrosion protection, EmcorISO 11007, Distilled water0–0
ISO 11007 modified, Water washout0–0
ISO 11007 modified, 0.5% NaCl0–0
Water resistanceDIN 51 807/1, 3 hrs at 90 °C1.
Oil separationDIN 51 817, 7 days at 40 °C, static, %1–3
Lubrication abilityR2F, running test B at 120 °CPass at 90 °C (195 °F)
Copper corrosion (max.)DIN 51811 / ASTM D4048, 24 hrs at 100 °C2 max.
Rolling bearing grease lifeR0F test L50 life at 10 000 r/min., hrs1000 at 90 °C (195 °F)
EP performanceWear scar DIN 51350/5, 1 400 N, mm1,8.
 4–ball test, welding load DIN 51350/4, N2 600
Shelf life 2 years
These characteristics represent typical values.